Best Weed Tea Recipe

Weed Tea or Marijuana tea is a great and tasteful way to enjoy the relaxing effects of the cannabis plant. In this article, we will show you the best recipes for making THC Weed Tea and the non-psychoactive brother, THCA weed tea.

Weed tea vs Smoking Weed

In comparison with smoking, drinking tea has multiple advantages. While the high temperature of smoking a joint will cause most healing cannabinoids to burn this is not the case with weed tea. Because heating temperatures stay around 100C the cannabinoids will be preserved and therefore weed tea can:

  • Be anti-inflammatory
  • Help with muscle spasms
  • Act as an anti-depressant
  • Slow down Alzheimer’s disease
  • Reduce Anti-anxiolytic
  • Reduce insomnia
  • Reduce high blood pressure

In addition, drinking weed tea doesn’t impact the respiratory system like smoking does. Long-term smoking of weed is associated with an increased risk of respiratory problems like coughing, sputum production, airway inflammation, and wheeze. However, a clear linkage between smoking marijuana and lung cancer has not been found.

THC Weed Tea vs THCA Weed Tea

The first distinction we make with our recipes has to do with the chemicals in your weed. Before the cannabis plant is dried and heated by smoking the plant does not contain THC but the non-psychoactive THCA. The process of turning THCA into THC is called decarboxylation, which is actually a fancy word for heating up the buds.

Therefore if you want to enjoy the psychoactive effects of THC it is necessary to decarboxylase your buds. In addition, the fat from butter or other dairy causes the created THC to be extracted from the plant material into your tea. On the other hand, if you still want to benefit from the health benefits of THCA but don’t like the psychoactive effects of THC we also have a great recipe for you.

THC Weed Tea Recipes

Traditional Weed Tea


  • 1/2 grams of weed
  • 1/2 teaspoon butter
  • 1 tea bag
  • 360 ml water
  • sugar or honey possibly


Step 1: Grind or chop your weed using a knife or grinder but make sure you don’t grind it into powder.

Step 2: Put the chopped weed in a bowl together with the butter and mix it up.

Step 3: Take your tea bag, cut it open and empty it. Take your weed and butter mixture and place it in the empty tea bag. Make sure you fold it so it will not open easily in the water.

Step 4: Take your water and pour it into a pan and wait until the water is boiling.

Step 5: If your water is boiling it is now time add the weed tea bag and let in gently boil for 30 minutes.

Step 6: After 30 minutes you can add some sugar or honey if you like and enjoy your own weed tea.

Chai Latte Weed Tea

weed latte tea


  • 1/2 grams of weed
  • 1/2 grams of butter
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • a blender
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • a chai tea bag
  • a fine sieve or cheesecloth


Step 1: Take the weed, butter, milk, and vanilla and blend it all together until it looks like a milkshake.

Step 2: Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes so the different aromas can blend together.

Step 3: Boil the water, add your mixture and let it boil for 30 minutes. Don’t forget to stir and possibly add some extra water.

Step 4: Take the pan from the heat and add the chai tea bag to the mixture. let it steep for 5 minutes and then remove it again.

Step 5: Pour the mixture into a sieve to remove leftover plant material and pour it into a mug.

Step 6: Add some more milk and sugar and enjoy your own chai latte weed tea.

Weed Stems Tea


  • 1/4 cup of weed stems
  • 3 cups of water
  • 1 cup of half and half
  • tea of choice
  • sugar/honey
  • a kitchen sieve


Step 1: Use a grinder to grind up your weed stems so the cannabinoids can be easily extracted.

Step 2: Put the stems and half and half in a pan and cook it for 10 minutes.

Step 3: Pour the mixture through the sieve into a mug.

Step 4: Use 1/2 of the mixture and add water and your tea of choice.

Step 5: Add some sugar or honey if you like and enjoy your own cup of weed stems tea.

Cannabutter Tea



  • 1 teaspoon cannabutter
  • 1 tea bag of choice
  • 1 cup of water


Step 1: Put the tea bag and cannabutter in a mug.

Step 2: Boil water and pour in into your mug.

Step 3: Wait and stir until the cannabutter is fully dissolved.

Step 4: Add some sugar or honey if you like and enjoy your own cup of cannabutter weed tea.

THCA Weed Tea Recipe


  • 1/2 grams of weed
  • 1 tea bag
  • 360 ml water
  • sugar or honey possibly


Step 1: Grind or chop your weed using a knife or grinder but make sure you don’t grind it into powder.

Step 2: Take your tea bag, cut it open and empty it. Take your weed and place it in the empty tea bag. Make sure you fold it so it will not open easily in the water.

Step 3: Boil the water and pour it into a mug once it boils.

Step 4: Place your weed tea bag and let it draw for 5 minutes.

Step 5: Add some sugar or honey if you like and enjoy your own made THCA weed tea.


  • Didn’t finish all your weed tea? Don’t worry because you can store it up to 5 days in your fridge.
  • Be careful with dosage if it’s the first time you are consuming Weed tea.
  • Add sugar or honey if you don’t like the specific marijuana taste.
  • If you have a nice recipe that should be in this guide just email us.

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